
League Sponsors


Leagues allow members of the HuntLeague community to compete for titles and amazing prize packages within the app.  Here are few things you should know about Leagues:

  • Leagues can be for all species or just a specific species.  For example a league may be upland bird or waterfowl specific.  It could be for just predators or for a single species such as sheep, elk, or deer.
  • Leagues can encompass all methods of take or have separate divisions for rifle, bow, muzzleloader hunters.
  • Leagues can be public or private.  A public league can be joined by any member of the HuntLeague community while a private league is hosted by an individual, business, or club and requires an invitation or code to join.
  • Leagues show recent activity for all league members, species hunted, the subjective score given to each species, along with a photo if they posted a hunt summary.
  • Leagues offer a way to highlight various hunt styles such as DIY/public land hunts or hunts limited to high fence ranches or hunting clubs.  
  • Leagues can be worldwide, region, state, or even zip code specific
  • Leagues can be hosted by individuals, stores, companies, hunting clubs, outfitters, or non-profit organizations such as conservation, mentoring, or ministry groups.
  • Leagues highlight products and companies with links to purchase gear or find out more information.  Organizations can host leagues that require membership confirmation such as a local archery or gun club, conservation organizations (RMEF, NWTF, Ducks Unlimited, Colorado Bowhunters Association, or educational/mentoring programs such as Father’s in the Field.
  • Leagues can be customized for all levels of hunters from Novice to Pro and feature different divisions such as regional, men’s, women’s, or youth competitions.
  • Leagues create a great way for members of the HuntLeague community to connect and celebrate each other’s accomplishments.  They offer clubs and organizations an unprecedented way to acknowledge and communicate with their members.
  • Leagues offer a way to earn titles and prizes with time spent in the field instead of raffles or random drawings.